È arrivata “Loop Scuola”, l’app mobile del registro elettronico

Da oggi il Villoresi è a portata di click: scopri le funzionalità e scarica l’app oggi stesso.

Da oggi, le famiglie del Collegio Villoresi possono contare su un nuovo strumento per semplificare la gestione della vita scolastica: la nuova app mobile “Loop Scuola” è disponibile per il download su Apple Store e Google Play

Grazie a questa applicazione innovativa, sarà possibile accedere alle principali funzionalità di Loop direttamente dal proprio smartphone, con un’interfaccia semplice, intuitiva e progettata per migliorare l’interazione con i servizi scolastici. 

Cosa troverai nell’app

All’interno dell’app potrai: 

  • consultare comunicazioni, calendari e avvisi 
  • gestire pagamenti e aspetti amministrativi
  • accedere rapidamente alle informazioni didattiche

Scarica qui la guida pdf

Scarica ora l’app e scopri quanto è semplice avere la scuola sempre con te! 

Per maggiori informazioni, contattaci: segreteria@collegiovilloresi.it

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Translate the site 🇬🇧


At any point on the page where there are no elements, right-click and, in the context menu, select the option "Translate to [language]" This will provide you with the translated version of the page. By clicking on the dedicated icon in the address bar, you can revert to the original text version.


Tap on the icon (three dots) located at the top. From the menu that appears, select the "Translate" option. Use the bottom bar to manage the translation languages and revert to the original text.


You can initiate webpage translations, but first, ensure that the option is enabled. Tap on the icon (three dots) located at the bottom and select "Settings" from the menu. Then tap on "Languages" and make sure the switch next to "Translate pages" is set to ON. Tap on the icon (three dots) located at the bottom and select "Translate" from the menu.

All devices

Tap on the "aA" icon at the top left and select the option "Translate to: [language]" to initiate the translation. Pressing the "aA" icon again and choosing the "Show original" option allows you to revert the webpage to its original language.


Right-click anywhere on the page where there are no elements. In the contextual menu, select the option "Translate to [language]" to get the translated page. At any time, you can return to the original text version by clicking on the translation icon in the address bar at the top and then clicking on the "Show original" button.


You will be presented with the translation of the page through a pop-up box at the bottom. Click on the [language] label to initiate the translation. If the pop-up box doesn't appear on the screen, click on the icon (three dots) at the bottom, select the "Settings" option, and make sure the switch next to "Translate" is set to ON (if not, enable it).


You will be presented with the translation of the page through a pop-up box at the bottom. If website translation is not enabled, click on the icon (three dots) at the bottom, tap on the "Settings" option, and make sure that the switch next to "Translate" is set to ON for Bing Translator (if not, enable it).

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